When I’m not Podcasting,
I’m most likely Speaking on Stage.
Amrit Sandhu is an international speaker, certified by Eckhart Tolle’s School of Awakening, and he is also Mindvalley’s Master Certified Trainer for Australia & India.
Amrit delivers keynotes, talks, seminars and workshops for the Inspired Evolution and Mindvalley in the United States, Europe, Asia and Australia.
His gift for sharing impactful ideas & insights with unrivaled enthusiasm enables him to engage audiences from all over the world featuring a wide range of demographics, from corporate environments to construction sites, teenage programs, festivals, retreats and to the general public.
Amrit is globally recognised for transformation. He brings a refreshing perspective on living life – weaving together neuroscience, behavioural psychology and practical wisdom to share life enriching philosophies, insights and tangible tools.
100+ of the greatest thought leaders continually inspire Amrit’s evolution through the podcast every single week. Ensuring that his message is informed, current and relevant.
His natural and purposeful presence from stage is deep & engaging, positive & profound, uplifting, filled with humour and powered by endless optimism.
Keynote speeches are tailored to each event and common topics include: